How to store walnuts in your home
One of the healthiest foods on the planet is walnuts. They are rich in protein, fibre, and plant-based omega-3 fatty acids. Most Indian houses have a stock that may be used for a variety of recipes, including salads, smoothies, curries, garnishes for rich desserts, and healthful snacks. But walnuts have a propensity to soon go bad. It’s important to store walnuts properly if you want to preserve their sweet flavour and nutty scent. You will be forced to discard them if you don’t do this.
What causes the freshness to fade in walnuts?
The only tree nut with a considerable concentration of plant-based omega-3 ALA is the walnut. It’s because of this healthy fat that walnuts tend to loose their freshness sooner than other nuts. Scroll on to know how to protect these nutrient-dense nuts from going bad.
Where to store?
Grandma is correct when she advises keeping walnuts out of the sun and in a chilly, dark place. Contrary to popular opinion, storing shelled or unshelled walnuts for a longer period of time requires refrigeration.
Depending on when you plan to use them, you can store them in the freezer or refrigerator. You must store them in the refrigerator or freezer if you plan to use them within a month. Keep in mind that fresh taste means cold storage. They often keep for up to a year in the freezer. The good news is that they don’t even require defrosting. They’re ready to eat right out of the freezer or refrigerator!
How to store?
Walnuts, whether shelled or not, must be stored in an airtight container. A resealable freezer bag can also be used to store the items that will be placed in the fridge or freezer. The freshness of the walnuts can be preserved by keeping them free from moisture, light, and heat.
One more advice
Finally, we advise you to crack the walnuts only as needed. Please keep in mind that removing the nuts’ shells beforehand increases the likelihood that they will dry up, lose their flavour, or become rancid.
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