Use these Indian spices to shed pounds more quickly.
We must admit that food and drink have a part to play in weight loss because almost everyone we know desires to lose weight.
Rekha Khandelwal, a blogger, provided this recipe for 5-spice tea and described the recipe’s video as a ‘fat-loss magical drink.’ She captioned, though, that drinking this tea in the morning on an empty stomach is the only time it will work like magic. She also stated in her post that everyone, including those with thyroid or diabetes conditions, can take her powerful homemade beverage. If you also want to lose some weight, let’s go ahead and try this amazing 5-spice tea recipe.
1 inch cinnamon stick, 2 tablespoons each of coriander, fennel, cumin, and carom seeds, and water
To make this tea, first dry roast all the spices in a kadhai or other pan until you can smell their scent. When finished, set them aside to cool. All of them should be ground into powder form before usage. Alternately, you can also separate the seeds from the cinnamon stick. Boil 2 cups of water in a pan over medium heat. After a boil, add 2 tsp mixture of these seeds.
Reduce the heat and boil the water for 5–10 minutes. Once finished, turn off the flame. Tea should be strained into a cup, some lemon juice can be added, and it should be had every morning on an empty stomach. You can also add some honey if the flavour is bitter.
Advantages of these spices
This drink contains a variety of spices that are all quite helpful at promoting weight loss. While some spices facilitate digestion and increase metabolism, others aid in the removal of extra body fat. The common advantages of each spice that you need to be aware of are listed below.
Cumin seeds: They have a reputation for being extremely digestive and soothing to the stomach. Additionally, they are considered to be high in iron and manganese, preventing a number of deficiencies.
Cinnamon sticks: This spice is well recognised for being full of antioxidants and having anti-inflammatory qualities. A potent remedy for diarrhoea, gas, and gastrointestinal (GI) disorders was the cinnamon stick in the past. Additionally, it has been used to ease menstrual cramps. Additionally renowned for lowering blood sugar levels and lowering the risk of heart diseases.
Carom Seeds: This spice, which is more often known as ajwain in India, has anti-inflammatory qualities and can also help lower cholesterol levels. From improving the digestive tract to losing weight, carom is known to be very useful for those people, who are trying to lose weight.
Fennel seeds: Fennel seeds are a well-known source of fibre, which helps you resist eating too much junk food. This also means that the spice minimises overeating by keeping you satisfied for a longer period of time. All of this results in less calories being consumed, which promotes all-day fitness.
Coriander Seeds: Did you know that because coriander seeds contain antioxidants, they are thought to assist in lowering oxidative stress? This means that while giving your stomach a little relaxation, these seeds strengthen your defence system, which also aids in lowering your cholesterol levels. Chinese people can live a full year.
Give this 5-spice tea a try and let us know if you enjoy it.
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