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New COVID-19 testing robot produces results in ‘just 45 minutes’!

In 45 minutes, we had 80 users. On Monday, a Chinese company announced the creation of a robot capable of completing Covid tests at breakneck speed. According to a South China Morning Post report, the robot can study 320 samples at the same time.

The robot was unveiled at the World Robot Conference 2022 in Beijing, and despite its appearance as a vending machine, its effectiveness impressed many people. Previously, some robots could collect samples, but this new innovation takes it a step further. The new robot is capable of collecting oral swab samples as well as completing the testing by themselves.

‘This new robot provides a one-stop alternative because it tests independently,’ said BioTeke engineer Meng in an interview with the South China Morning Post on Monday. ‘ Researchers created human mouth models and an image recognition algorithm for a high-accuracy mechanical arm.  The arm is capable of moving autonomously and gently collecting oral swab samples from a user’s throat,’ he added while explaining how the robot works.

The company has approached Chinese authorities about using the robots in public places, which could be a significant step toward conducting tests at breakneck speeds. The National Medical Products Administration is currently reviewing the robot for widespread use in places such as airports.

‘At this stage, epidemic prevention work is primarily focused on population screening. The robot can be used as a low-cost rapid screening method. To effectively prevent the spread of the epidemic, we can identify positive carriers before they begin spreading the virus in the city’.


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