According to a recent poll, the majority of Indian airline company pilots have been experiencing ‘daytime drowsiness’, which is typically brought on by excessive exhaustion. 66% of the 542 pilots who participated in the poll admitted to nodding off during their shift hours in the cockpit.
Indian pilots who flew to regional, domestic, and domestic locations within four hours were included in the poll, which was undertaken by the nonprofit Safety Matters Foundation. According to their comments, it was discovered that 41% of pilots and 54% of severe excessive daytime drowsiness among pilots, respectively, was caused by excessive daytime sleepiness.
The survey confirmed that pilots are struggling to handle the stress associated with their employment. Fatigue is one of the primary causes ascribed to airline accidents. Timings have increased for the majority of pilots as a result of businesses seeking to operate with inadequate workforces. The study indicates that pilots are no longer required to fly 30 hours per week and can now fly back-to-back flights once each week. Because of this, the workforce is under additional stress, which makes them feel more exhausted.
‘Corporate support for establishing and upholding a safety culture has to be strengthened,’ the report said. Everyone agrees that safety does not receive enough staff and funding. There are no guidelines in place to manage tiredness under FRMS since the DGCA has not mandated the use of Fatigue Risk Management Systems (FRMS). According to Captain Amit Singh, head of the Safety Matters Foundation, ‘the current standards are prescriptive and the scientific principles on which the DGCA has found the requirements for flying and the duty duration remain questionable’.
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