The zero-Covid policy of China has made life in the local Tibetan community unbearable. Tibetans are subjected to cruel COVID limitations that render them helpless and leave them vulnerable to torture, trauma, harassment, and assault since they aren’t even allowed to voice their displeasure or contact their family outside of Tibet.
Due to the unfortunate zero-Covid policy of the Chinese government, the Tibetan people are currently suffering from a lack of necessary medications. This group includes items connected to both food and medical. They are reportedly forbidden from protesting or expressing their opinions, according to a report from Tibet Press. Those who speak out against the rising cost of food in Tibet suffer state-instigated violence, according to a video that was circulated on Twitter.
In the video, Chinese security personnel can be seen physically assaulting locals, handcuffing them, and dispersing them with pepper spray. Their phones had also been taken, according to a Free Tibet video, making it impossible for them to contact anyone. This was reported by Tibet Press. By tightening the Covid regulations rather than addressing the issue, the Chinese government is doing more harm than good to Tibetans.
According to a report by Tibet Press, International Campaign for Tibet, a pro-Tibet advocacy group, the Chinese government has been working hard to control social media even in the dire circumstances that Tibet’s residents are facing because doing otherwise could expose the atrocities that China has subjected Tibet to to the rest of the world.
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