In the most recent Balenciaga ad campaign, toy-carrying kids were dressed as bondage subjects. The business may have removed the pictures from social media sites and even apologised for the advertising effort. However, astute social media sleuths have discovered further allusions in the advertising that in some way suggest the company or marketing firm behind the campaign had a very unsettling theme in mind.
Instagram user Kendall Bailey says that the campaign has disturbing dark undertones to it. One image shows a young boy dressed in a Balenciaga outfit, standing in a room with a roll of yellow caution tape and ‘BAAL’ spelt out on it. Another image shows an image of a bag placed on top of a court document. When one zoomed into it, it appears to be a court proceeding related to child pornography.
The name of the Canaanite deity to whom children have been offered as sacrifice is Baal. He went by the name Baal-zebub, also known as the Lord of the Flies. The high-end clothing company is now blaming the creative producers in a $25 million lawsuit. On Twitter, someone even zoomed in on an image that is pinned to the wall in the image’s far right corner and claimed it is a representation of the Canaanite god.
In order to stop the ad from referencing child pornography, Balenciaga is suing North Six, Inc., the production firm, and set designer Nicholas Des Jardins and his business. Eventually, the pictures were taken off, and the high-end clothing company is now blaming the creative producers. Kim Kardashian also indicated that she disapproved of the most recent advertisements and that she was rethinking her agreement with the company.
Many on Twitter have stated that the luxury fashion brand was aware of the theme of the campaign and even if it has now shifted the blame to them, most feel it was impossible to believe that the brand was not aware. Fendi has filed a legal case against production company North Six, Inc. and set designer Nicholas Des Jardins and his company for including an old court document in the campaign that referred to child pornography. Someone on Twitter even zoomed into an illustration that’s pinned to the wall in the far right corner of the campaign and stated how it was an illustration of the Canaanite god.
According to the New York Post, North Six and Des Jardins allegedly inserted the court documents’ photographs without Balenciaga’s knowledge, which was ‘malevolent or, at the very least, exceedingly careless’. Kim Kardashian, a Balenciaga brand ambassador, also said on Sunday that she disapproved of the most recent advertisements and that she was rethinking her relationship with the company.
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