The king of controversy has always been the banana. It is the subject of numerous theories, some of which utterly reject it while others assert that it is one of the healthiest fruits possible.
The following list of banana myths that you need to dispel is based on Rujuta Diwekar’s book ‘Indian Superfoods.’
Myth: People with diabetes shouldn’t eat bananas.
Fact: Due to their low to medium glycaemic index, bananas are safe to eat even for diabetics. Most health associations have advised and approved of this.
Myth: Bananas contain a lot of sugar.
Fact: Bananas are a natural sugar source that is healthy for everyone to consume because they are packed with fructose and vitamin B.
Myth: Bananas give you a buldging tummy
Fact: Bananas are rich in fibre and pectin. These make you feel less bloated as they allow a good build-up of healthy bacteria.
Myth: Eating bananas makes you fat.
Fact: Bananas are a significant fat burner and low-fat food that also lowers cholesterol levels.
Myth: Consuming bananas when on a plan to lose weight is bad.
Fact: Bananas are a great source of potassium, fibre, minerals and vitamin B6. This is a filling snack-meal that serves as a quick pick-me-up.
Myth: If you have high blood pressure, you should stay away from bananas.
Fact: Bananas make excellent mid-meal snacks if you have high blood pressure. Naturally rich in electrolytes, bananas pose no health risks to you.
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