According to a French astrologer whose predictions from more than 500 years ago have been unsettlingly accurate, the future of 2023 is bleak. The now-famous book Les Prophéties was released in 1555 by Michel de Nostradame, better known by his pen name Nostradamus. The 942 prophecies in the book seem to foretell some horrifying events.
Some people have a legitimate reason to be sceptical of the 16th-century physician’s claims, but there have been instances in which his predictions came uncomfortably close to coming true, with startling similarities to events like the Great Fire of London, Hitler’s reign of terror, and September 11th. The assassination of John F. Kennedy and the French Revolution are two events that many people believe Nostradamus predicted.
However, according to the Mirror, 2023 may bring about the fulfilment of some of Nostradamus’ predictions. 2022 will be a terrible year, according to Nostradamus, because of the rising cost of living and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, and 2023 won’t be any better.
Great War
One of the most well-known projections for 2023 is ‘a huge conflict’. It’s possible that this prophesy was inspired by the current conflict between Ukraine and Russia, which might escalate to World War III next year. A seven-month timeline for the conflict might seem promising at first, but given the terrifying nuclear arsenals of countries like the United States and Russia, it’s probably best to take the forecast with a grain of salt. A third world war will not endanger the French city of Rouen, according to the prophesy, suggesting that Paris may be at risk.
Heavenly flames
Another of Nostradamus’ texts foretells a ‘Celestial fire on the Royal edifice’. However, this prophecy is far more frightening than the burning of the royal palace. In the Bible, doomsday, sometimes referred to as the ‘end of days,’ is invariably connected to a conflagration. It is believed that the new world order that emerges from the wreckage of the old will mark the end of history as we know it.
Mars landing
Nostradamus’ book of prophecy had obscure references to the ‘light on Mars falling’. This planet appears to be moving backward in the sky, which is likely due to its entering retrograde motion. Another possibility is that it’s a metaphor for humankind’s efforts to colonise Earth. Humanity will step foot on Mars by 2029, according to Elon Musk, who founded SpaceX and just purchased Twitter. One of the richest individuals in the world recently made a public statement expressing his ambition to colonise Mars by the end of the decade.
The economic crisis
Following the Covid-19 outbreak and the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, there has been global economic unrest. This study of historical crises suggests that rising costs for basics would cause despair and unrest. Nostradamus foresees that by 2023, British consumers would face a crisis in their standard of life caused on by rising energy prices, inflation, and food prices.
Climate change
Nostradamus asserts that in 2023 temperatures will continue to increase and sea levels will rise despite the fact that global warming is not a new problem. Is 2023 the year that global temperatures eventually reach a critical point, as evidenced by increasing sea levels and the advent of food chain difficulties.
Public unrest
As a result of growing living expenses and global warming, civil unrest is probably going to get worse in 2023. This prediction suggests that the public may rebel against the wealthy as a result of the failing economy. The wealthy may need to prepare themselves for acts of violence and conflict, according to the second quatrain.
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