China is seeing a sharp increase of coronavirus infections following the relaxation of Covid-19 limits. Eric Feigl-Ding, an epidemiologist and health economist, said that hospitals in China are utterly overburdened. The epidemiologist predicts that within the next 90 days, more than 60% of China and 10% of the global population are likely to contract the disease, with millions of fatalities expected.
Dead bodies have swamped one of Beijing’s approved crematoria for Covid-19 sufferers. Since the government disclosed four fatalities between November 19 and November 23, China has not reported any Covid deaths in Beijing. The demand for cremation and other funeral services has increased at Beijing Dongjiao Crematory, which is located on the eastern outskirts of the Chinese capital.
‘Since the Covid reopening, we’ve been overloaded with work,’ said a woman who answered the phone at the crematorium. Right now, it’s 24 hours a day. We can’t keep up, she said. Dongjiao Crematory is operated by Beijing municipality and designated to handle Covid-positive cases. It has been conducting cremations in predawn hours and in the middle of the night.
The increased workload has taxed the crematorium staff, many of whom have become infected with the fast-spreading virus. Through a survey of hospitals, funeral parlors and related funeral industry chains in Beijing, there is an explosion in funeral services caused by the sharp increase in deaths.
2000 bodies backlogged for cremations in China, emulating more Western-mass infection approach. In a series of abrupt moves this month, China dismantled much of the lockdown, testing and quarantine regimes that underpinned its ‘Zero Covid’ approach. Because of the lifting of testing requirements, the scale of China’s coronavirus surge has been hard to measure.
Only patients who were very ill were advised to call for ambulances, according to Beijing Emergency Medical Center, who noted that the number of emergency calls had increased from an average of roughly 5,000 per day to 30,000 daily. Due to limited exposure and poor vaccination rates, many of China’s 1.4 billion inhabitants are still susceptible to the virus. Covid-positive or suspected Covid-positive bodies must be quickly incinerated in furnaces that have been dedicated for that purpose, according to National Health Commission rules.
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