Two factions inside the Taliban administration in Afghanistan, the Kandhari group and another made up of a new breed of ministers, are reportedly at odds with one another. There is reportedly significant conflict between the Kandhari faction and other leaders over the prohibition on women’s education. According to sources, the group led by ministers Nazar Mohammad Mutmaeen and Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai is not convinced by the Kandhari group’s suggestion to postpone women’s education.
According to sources who said that the Kandhari group solely preached religion and teachings, the new group has advised the Kandhari group against pursuing such a ban since it will not be supported internationally. In addition, sources claimed that the Taliban found it challenging on the global stage. They said that it would be extremely difficult to manage support and financial help in the future because of this prohibition, especially given the country’s current economic situation and isolation.
India’s answer worries the Taliban
The new group, according to sources, has also been successful in persuading long-time allies like India, although this choice may enrage India. India has previously voiced its disapproval of the action and reaffirmed its demand for the establishment of an inclusive Kabul administration that guarantees women’s and girls’ equal rights in every element of Afghan life. Many nations, including the US, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, and the UK, have vehemently denounced the Taliban’s decision to forbid women from attending colleges.
‘We have taken notice of the reports in this respect with concern’. According to the ministry of external affairs spokeswoman, Arindam Bagchi, India has continuously backed the cause of female education in Afghanistan. He said, ‘We have emphasised the significance of establishing an inclusive and representative government that respects the rights of all Afghans and assures equal participation rights for women and girls in all facets of Afghan society, including access to higher education’.
Fear of Iran-style demonstrations
The statement reportedly sparked demonstrations in Kabul, and the new organisation is concerned that this might spark unrest like to that which occurred in Iran following Mahsa Amini’s passing. Even males cancelled their lessons on Wednesday, which hastened the situation. The country was attempting to contain the situation, according to sources in the Afghan foreign ministry, but the new minister is concerned that domestic unrest would resemble that which occurred in Iran.
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