Summer means more tanning, and to avoid it, we tend to wear gloves/socks, which can lead to sweat accumulation, which is one of the causes of fungal infections. In the hot summer months, nails are more likely to harbor such infections. We must keep our hands and feet dry in order to improve nail health.
Other summertime activities include gardening and swimming. Hence, frequent hand moisturizing is necessary because frequent hand washing might dry up our hands. Keep your hands moisturized throughout the day for soft, bright hands. Moreover, moisturizing offers a barrier of defense against harmful UV radiation.
Overly dehydrated nails may become brittle. The secret to maintaining healthy nails and keeping pollutants at bay is to keep our bodies well-hydrated. To enhance hydration, consume a lot of water and other liquids.
One of the factors that encourages us to get manicures and pedicures more frequently is the possibility of tanning during the summer. They can remove our natural oils, which can be prevented by utilizing lotions containing moisturizing ingredients like argan, coconut, or jojoba oil.
The nails may be more prone to breakage and infection as a result of poor nutrition, ageing, and dehydration. To prevent this, maintaining healthy, strong nails can be achieved by keeping them filed, trimmed, and well-balanced diet rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. Keep them short since they are simple to maintain and have fewer edges that can break as another summertime health tip.
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