The makers of “The Kerala Story” announced Monday that the film has grossed Rs 200 crore at the Indian box office. Sunshine Pictures reported in a press release that “The Kerala Story” has earned Rs 200 crore at the Indian box office and is still growing across the country. The Hindi film, directed by Sudipto Sen and starring Adah Sharma, was released in India on May 5.”The Kerala Story,” directed by Vipul Shah, exposes how women from Kerala were compelled to convert and recruited by the terror organisation Islamic State (IS).
The film, which has polarised political discourse in the country, was banned by the West Bengal government on May 8 due to community tensions. Tamil Nadu theatres have chosen to halt screenings from May 7, citing the law-and-order situation and a low crowd turnout.The Supreme Court last week delayed the West Bengal government’s order prohibiting the film from being shown in the state and directed Tamil Nadu to protect the safety of moviegoers.On Saturday, a special showing of the film was held at the main theatre of the Pune-based Film and Television Institute of India (FTII), despite student protests.
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