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Honey Rose opens up about the pain of experiencing body shaming from women


Honey Rose, a popular figure on social media known for her stunning wardrobe, has not been spared from the harsh world of body shaming. In a recent interview with Manorama Weekly, she revealed that the criticism has extended beyond social media to television channels. While she admitted to finding some enjoyment in the trolls surrounding her inauguration functions, she acknowledged that things can turn ugly when they cross the line.

Being subjected to cruel body-shaming remarks has been particularly hurtful for Honey Rose. Initially, such negativity bothered her and her family, but they have learned to ignore it over time. However, what truly pains her is when women themselves make derogatory comments about her body. She shared an incident where a lady anchor laughed loudly, making her uncomfortable and feeling as though the anchor had decided something was fundamentally wrong with her.

Honey Rose also highlighted another instance on a different channel, where a famous comedian made similarly disparaging remarks about her body. She expressed disappointment that channels allow such content to be aired, emphasizing that it is a mockery of a woman’s body. Despite these challenges, she has chosen to ignore the negativity and focus on her own well-being.

Reflecting on her experiences, Honey Rose predicted that the next time she is interviewed by the anchor, the first question will likely be about body shaming and its impact. Despite the pain she has endured, she remains resilient and determined to rise above the hurtful comments directed at her.


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