The monsoon season affect immunity, especially in women. This will make women susceptible to various vaginal infections, including urinary tract infection. The atmospheric humidity can also accelerate other bacterial or fungal infections. As per medical experts, Vaginal candidiasis is the most common infection experienced by women during the monsoon.
Some of the common symptoms of vaginal infection are
Rashes in the private parts
Vaginal/vulval itching
Vaginal discharge
Redness/swelling around the private parts
Vaginal soreness
Burning sensation during intercourse or while urinating
Tips to prevent vaginal infections:
Maintain good personal hygiene: Clean your private area with lukewarm water and avoid any fragrant soaps. Clean the genital area twice a day. Do not douche the vagina. Douching involves cleaning the vagina from inside which destroys the protective bacteria.
Also Read: Simple tips to get rid of excessive uric acid
Keep the genital area dry after urinating: Clean the genital region from front to back to prevent bacteria from the anus to enter the vagina. Avoid using wet wipes with chemicals to dry the area.
Wear breathable clothes: Cotton underwear is the best choice to prevent vaginal infections. Tight underwear can reduce airflow and increase irritation and risk of developing rashes. Breathable underwear keeps the genitals airy and helps it stay dry.
Maintain good menstrual hygiene: Change sanitary pads every four hours irrespective of the soakage, and tampons every two hours. Change the menstrual cups every eight hours. Do not use scented pads.
Maintain pH Level: Use moderate, pH-balanced cleansers and warm water to routinely wash the vaginal region.
Stay Hydrated: Drinking enough water can assist maintain overall vaginal health.
Safe Sex: Use condoms during sexual activity.
Balanced Diet: Keep up a nutritious diet, exercise frequently, control your stress levels, and get enough sleep to bolster your immune system, which can aid in infection prevention.
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