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Health & FitnessLife Style

Know how sex drive differ  in men and women

As per experts, sexual desire is typically higher in men than in women. Testosterone is the main reason for this. It also also accounts for sex variation in the desire in both women and men.Women  value an emotional connection more as a spark of sexual desire.

 Here are seven patterns of men and women’s sex drives:

Men think more about sex: Research says that adult men who are below the age of 60 think about sex at least once a day.  Only one-quarter of women think about the same in equal frequency.

Men seek sex more avidly: Men want sex more often than women at the start of a relationship. Moreover, men are more likely to seek sex even when it is frowned upon. The majority of men masturbate, while only approximately 40 percent of women do the same

Women’s sexual turn-ons are more complicated than men’s: Sexual arousal for a man is predictable – straight men get turned on by depictions of male-female sex and female-female sex. For women, it is a little more complicated, for straight women usually get turned on by the male-female sex.

Women’s sex drives are more influenced by social and cultural factors: Women’s attitudes towards sexual practices are more likely to change than men’s over a period.Women are also more influenced by the attitudes of their peers.

Also Read: Know why you should have mirror sex 

Women take a less direct route to sexual satisfaction: A women’s desire may originate much more in the ears than between her legs.

Women experience orgasms differently than men: Men take approximately 4 minutes to ejaculate during intercourse whereas a woman can take around 10 to 11 minutes for the same. Another difference may be how often the sexes orgasm. Research suggests that 75 percent of men have an orgasm as opposed to 26 percent of women.

Women’s libido seems to be less responsive to drugs: Men usually embrace drugs not only for erectile dysfunction but also for a shrinking libido. However, it is not the same with women.






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