One must avoid some common dating mistakes to build a healthy and fulfilling romantic relationship. Popular dating and relationship coach Talia shared some common dating mistakes to be avoided on her social media handle.
Here are they:
Getting ahead of yourself: Mostly people on their first dates, start to make assumptions and blow them up in their mind. This will cause anxiety over something that isn’t even reality. To avoid this always stay present and focus on reality
Physical intimacy: Making physical connections too early will make dating difficult. So always take time to understand each other and build emotional intimacy. Wait until you’re on the same page with your dating goals and you know you like them.
Playing detective: Never try to read between the lines. Take what they say and do at face value. Try to focus on reality and ask yourself if you like their behaviour.
Justifying red flags: No one is perfect, but by trying to look past red flags, you’re lowering your standards. When you see a red flag, walk away.
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Expecting too much too soon: In early dating, they are not your partner. They’re a stranger. They don’t owe you constant communication, their weekend time, or an invite to whatever they’re doing etc. Focus on getting to know them more.
Too much texting: Texting daily is important, but in early dating when you try to have deep conversations via text, you start to come up with an image of who they are that’s not accurate. Keep text conversations short and sweet.
Playing texting games: Waiting to text, intentionally never texting first and other games like that are more likely to show the person you’re dating that you’re not interested. Text them the way you’d text anyone.
Worrying if they like you: If you’re so caught up in trying to be liked, you’re not going to show them your true self and you might miss or intentionally ignore red flags.
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