Are you looking for a simple yet delicious way to take a step towards veganism? Consider swapping out your regular tea for the rich and flavorful coconut milk tea. This delightful beverage is a perfect introduction to the world of vegan options. You have the choice to prepare coconut milk from scratch or opt for store-bought coconut milk to create this delightful tea. Here’s a step-by-step recipe to guide you:
– 1 cup coconut milk
– 1 tbsp black tea
– 2 tbsp sugar
– 1 cinnamon stick
– Water
1. Start by placing water in a saucepan and gently heating it over a low flame.
2. After about half a minute, add coconut milk to the water.
3. Introduce the black tea and stir the mixture.
4. Continue stirring until the mixture comes to a boil.
5. Remove the saucepan from the stove, strain the tea, add sugar to taste, and serve piping hot.
This delightful coconut milk tea not only satisfies your taste buds but also makes your journey towards veganism a delightful one. So, take that small step and enjoy a delicious beverage that’s both cruelty-free and satisfying!
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