In many households, raw meat or fish is stored in freezers for future use. Defrosting, however, can be time-consuming without the right equipment. A helpful tip from the Instagram page ‘Cooking with Mehru’ suggests a quick method: transfer the frozen meat to another vessel, sprinkle salt, and pour lukewarm water gradually. After 15 minutes, the meat can be easily separated. This time-saving trick has gained praise for its simplicity, taking just 15 minutes.
While deep freezers can safely store meat and fish for a week, the regular fridge poses a risk of bacterial infestation when opened frequently. Proper cleaning, removal of gizzards, and using tightly sealed containers are essential. Refreezing items after reaching room temperature is unsafe. Ideally, consume stored meat and fish within three to four days. This advice ensures both efficiency in thawing and safe storage practices.
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