Greying of hairs was considered to be the aftermath of aging. Now it has changed. There are a lot of people who are in their late 20s with grey hair grown in their scalp. There is a gradual increase in the number of people who has this kind of premature greying of hair. Melalin is a chemical substance which provides color for your hair. Greater the amount of melanin greater will be the darkness of your hair. Melanin production decreases as on getting old and as a result greying of hair starts. This happens naturally with age but often it happens prematurely. let us check what are the causes of premature hair greying
1. Genetics play an integral part in hair greying. The level of melanin in our skin differ person to person and this, in turn, is related to hormonal reactions. When the cause of premature greying of the hair is genetic, a little can be done about it.
2. Nutritional deficiency: Zinc, copper, vitamin B variants are essential for balanced hair growth. Deficiency in above-mentioned vitamins will result in premature greying of hair. Protein is the most underrated element in the growth of hair. If you are serious about your hair growth please make sure you are including at least 3gs of protein in your everyday meal.
3.. Exercise regularly. Do one or two home-based workouts 3 days a week. Exercises will eliminate toxins from your body thus increasing the rate of hair growth.
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4. Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. Relive your stress. Researchers say people who are stressed have greater chances of premature hair graying. Take medications once per day. Keep your mind calm from internal and external worries. concentrate on breathing exercises and get head massages to keep your stress at bay.
5. Quit smoking completely. Smoking stimulates melanin to produce less. Lesser the melanin lesser dark will be your hair.
6. Keep hydrating your body throughout the day. Drink a lot of water in between your meals. A dehydrated body will not supply the right nutrients to the hair, hence making it prone to hair loss and greying.
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