Every year people across the globe celebrate February 14 as Valentine’s Day or lovers day. Valentine’s Day is named after Saint Valentine. Saint Valentine was a Catholic clergyman who lived in Rome during the 3rd century BC. The day is followed by different names such as Saint Valentine’s Day or Feast of Saint Valentine.
Lovers across the globe celebrate the day with great enthusiasm. Not only Valentine’s Day but the entire week is also meant to glorify the emotion of love. The days are Rose Day, Propose Day, Chocolate Day, Teddy Day, Promise Day, Hug Day, Kiss Day, and Valentine’s Day.
Valentine’s Week is celebrated from February 7 to February 14. Valentine’s Week starts with Rose Day and ends with valentine’s Day. The week comprises of Rose Day, Propose Day, Chocolate Day, Teddy Day, Promise Day, Hug Day, Kiss Day and Valentine’s Day.
‘Given their similarities, it has been suggested that the holiday has origins in the Roman festival of Lupercalia, held in mid-February. The festival, which celebrated the coming of spring, included fertility rites and the pairing off of women with men by lottery. At the end of the 5th century, Pope Gelasius I forbade the celebration of Lupercalia and is sometimes attributed with replacing it with St. Valentine’s Day, but the true origin of the holiday is vague at best,’ says Britannica.
The sixth day of the Valentine’s Week is celebrated as ‘Hug Day’. On February 12, lovers across the globe give a hug to each other.
Also Read: Valentine’s Week 2024: Health benefits of kissing you may not know
As per experts, a simple hug can strengthen the relationship. A hug is considered as the sweetest expression of love. Hug simply allows you to express your love and care for someone without uttering a single word.
Medical experts claim that hugging has several health and metal benefits.
Below are some benefits of hugging:
Relieves Stress: Hugging is a stress reliever. Hugging can decrease the level of a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol is the stress hormone as it is released when we are stressed. When cortisol level goes down it makes us feel calm and relaxed. So, whenever you feel heavy, just go and hug someone.
Relaxes muscles: Hugging helps relax the muscles by improving blood circulation. The gesture can also provide relief from pain.
Reduces anxiety: As per a study published in the Psychological Science journal, hugs can help reduce worry and also make us feel valued.
Makes you happier: When we hug someone we love, then the body releases a chemical called oxytocin or the cuddle hormone. This hormone makes us feel happier.
Can help connect better: Scientists have also found that humans, besides communicating verbally, can express a range of emotions through touch, which includes hugging.
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