WomenHealth & FitnessLife Style

Know why does sex becomes less satisfying as women age

A study  titled, ‘why sex becomes less satisfying with age’ published in the Journal of the North American Menopause Society has tried to understand why women typically find sex less satisfying as they age. Researchers suggested that the lack of a partner, widowhood, menopause-related symptoms, the partner’s poor physical health, and relationship problems could all be contributing factors.

According to  study, the proportion of women who enjoy sex regularly drops with age, and the proportion of women who do so post-menopause is much lower. The researchers mention that menopause-related problems such as vaginal dryness and pain with sex as the main reason for this low interest in sex.

Moreover, the loss of a partner as they age results in decreased sexual drive in older women. Women, who lose their partners, often stare at a lonely future bereft of love and company.

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Older women are often dissuaded from sexual pleasure if they live with a sick partner. Often, their partner’s or their own medical conditions prevent them from having an active intimate relationship.

Additionally, as they age, women often cloud their minds with body image issues including the way they look, their weight, skin, hair, or the shape or size of a certain body part and tend to lose confidence in themselves. This also contributes to their lack of interest in engaging in any sexual activity.


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