The Indian Armed Forces are making significant strides in empowering women within their ranks. Aligned with the national goal of women’s empowerment and the demonstration of Nari Shakti, the Indian Army is launching two Army Girls Sports Companies (AGSC) in phases. These AGSCs will be situated at two Army Centers of Excellence (COE) Nodes: the Army Marksmanship Unit in Mhow and the Army Sports Institute in Pune. The primary objective is to spot young talent, offer them formal education alongside other administrative requirements, and train them to excel in various sporting disciplines.
Leveraging the Indian Army’s extensive experience in identifying young talent, demonstrated by the success of Boys Sports Companies, the AGSCs will concentrate on training young girls from across the nation in disciplines like Shooting, Archery, Athletics, Boxing, and Weightlifting. Both locations feature top-notch training infrastructure, encompassing sports medicine centers, rehabilitation facilities, and coaching amenities.
Furthermore, the aspiring athletes at the AGSCs will have the opportunity to engage with senior Army teams and athletes undergoing training at these institutions. These senior athletes will serve as sources of inspiration for the budding athletes, aiding them in emulating international athletes and honing their skills regularly. The establishment of AGSCs aligns with India’s sports policy, aiming to secure more podium finishes at the Olympics. Additionally, girls enrolled in AGSCs will be eligible for recruitment as Direct Entry Non-Commissioned Officers and Direct Entry Junior Commissioned Officers, besides enrollment as Agniveers. Accomplished athletes like Subedar Preeti Rajak and Jasmine Lamboria serve as inspiring figures, motivating young talent to strive for excellence in their respective sports. The AGSCs are scheduled to be fully operational by April 2024.
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