Afterplay is defined as the interaction such as hugging, holding, talking, and so forth that occurs after sexual intercourse. It is one of the most ignored stages of sex.
Most men, prefer falling asleep or fidgeting with their gadgets after sex while women want some more romance. That s what afterplay is all about.
Here are some reasons you must involve is after-play post intercourse:
Creates stronger bonding: It improves bonding between you and your partner. Emotional bonding along with physical is important among couples. Cuddling, massaging or caressing after an intercourse brings you closer mentally and strengthens your relationship.
Allows her to cool down: Women take time to cool down completely after an intercourse whereas men need just a few minutes. Hence, afterplay acts as a sign of respect to your woman s needs for intimacy after an intercourse so that she can cool down completely.
Develops a healthy relationship: After-play involves communication and caressing after the act. You end up sharing deep thoughts at this time.
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More enjoyable sex: You will enjoy better sex the next time and every time after if you engage in after-play regularly.
Makes way for more sex: Kissing the back of the neck, massaging her back, moving your fingers on each other bare bodies can move your after-play to foreplay for the second round.
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