Several research studies have suggested that around 37% of adults with low back pain have difficulty during sex. Up to 7% of those adults said that low back pain has significantly limited their sex lives.
Sex positions that have either less flexion or more extension can help with pain during sex.
If you have significant pain when bending in either direction, stick with positions that keep your back stable during sex.
If you can flex your spine a little without pain, focus on moving your pelvis while keeping your back straight.
If you cannot flex at all, you may want to stay still and let your partner do more of the movement during oral, vaginal, or anal sex.
Research has shown that sexual arousal and orgasm may help relieve physical pain because they give you a rush of endorphins.
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Best sex positions:
The Missionary Position:
When you are in the missionary position as the bottom (receptive) partner, you can support your lower back by placing a rolled towel under it. This cushion helps keep a slight arch in your back.
Partner on Top:
One way to stabilize your back during missionary sex is to have the receptive partner on top while you are flat on your back.
Doggy Style:
Doggy style—where the receiving partner is on all fours and the insertive partner kneels or stands behind them—can be useful for lower back pain. If you’re the receiving partner, doggy style can give you more control over movement.
Doggy style can also help if your back pain is worse when you arch or bend forward, as you can keep your back a little more neutral in this position.
Sitting and Kneeling:
If you are the receptive partner, sitting on your partner’s lap can also help you avoid back pain. You can also try kneeling as you support your weight on your elbows.
Facedown Position:
Lying on your stomach will automatically put your back in an arch and give you some control over how much your back is moving.
Side by Side and Spooning:
Positions like side-by-side or spooning can take some pressure off your lower back and spine. For this position, you lay on your side with your arms in whatever arrangement is most comfortable. You can try having your arms out in front, wrapped back around your partner, at your sides, or in any other position that works.
If you’re the insertive partner, you can be on your side behind your partner.
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