Online dating is finding a romantic partner using the internet. Online dating is done using a dating app or a website. Like traditional dating, online dating comes with many advantages and disadvantages.
Pros of online dating:
Online dating allow one to meet new people anywhere with an internet connection. This provides flexibility for those who don’t have the time to meet people.
Variety of potential partners:
Online dating brings you potential partners with different personality types and hobbies. It gives you the opportunity to meet people who you wouldn’t otherwise encounter in your daily life.
No need to dress up for online dating:
Until you decide to meet up in person, you don’t have to spend the time and effort to dress up to make an impression.
You’re more relaxed:
You can also respond to your matches’ texts whenever you want to.
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Lower fear of rejection:
The discomfort of getting rejected right in the face by someone is lower since you’ve never met that person in real life.
Suitable for shy people:
Online dating is helpful because you can stay behind a screen and don’t need to put yourself out there.
Connect to more potential partners at once:
Unlike traditional dating, you are at liberty to talk to or meet as many of your online matches as you want.
Cons of online dating:
May attract the wrong types of people:
There is chances that may end up attracting the wrong types of people and wasting your time.
People often don’t look like their pictures:
Many people enhance their photos slightly to make them look better on their dating profile. But some take it to the next level and alter their photos to the point where they look nothing like they are in real life.
Harder to connect:
With online dating, the whole meet-and-greet takes place through a screen. Since all communications are taking place digitally, it’s harder to build up the same connection that you would have gotten through traditional dating.
More dependent on looks:
With little other information to go by, your online matches can only gauge their interest based on how you look
Fake personal profiles:
Attackers and scammers can easily sign up for a dating profile. Instead of looking for love, they’re looking to steal your personal information, sell things to you, or worse, scam you for money.
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