Physical intimacy is a powerful means of communication that. Physical intimacy transcends the capacity of words. It deepens a romantic relationship.
In his renowned book ‘ The Five Love Languages’, Dr. Gary Chapman states the five ways in which humans express love in romantic relationships. These are words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service, and physical touch.
Physical touch is related to your brain
Scientific studies suggest that there are emotional and physiological benefits associated with physical touch in romantic relationships. During physical touch, human body triggers the release of ‘oxytocin’ that reduces stress. The physiological response of our body stimulated by physical touch contributes to a sense of wellness and mood enhancement. It is because physical touch cultivates a sense of mutual trust between the partners and gives a calming effect to the mind by activating the release of certain brain chemicals like dopamine’, oxytocin, and serotonin.
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Deep emotional intimacy
Physical intimacy helps in building deeper emotional chemistry between couples. It cultivates a sense of faith, trust, and support in the relationship. It is a natural remedy for anxiety, fear, and stress.
Physical closeness and communication are interrelated concepts?
Physical touch communicates emotions that are buried deep inside the heart. Physical closeness is a sweet gesture that does not need words to communicate love. It gives the space for both partners to be vulnerable in the relationship.
Physical intimacy builds trust and forms a secure romantic relationship
Physical touch provides a sense of comfort during times of uncertainty or distress. Physical closeness creates a secure attachment style in a romantic relationship. The power of physical touch is that it cultivates trust and leaves very little room for doubt in the relationship.
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