In a significant move marking the onset of Lok Sabha Election 2024, Ajith Kumar, a prominent figure in Tamil cinema, became the first actor from the film industry to exercise his voting rights. Taking part in the initial phase of voting on Friday, April 19, in Tamil Nadu, Ajith arrived early at the Thiruvanmiyur polling station. Video footage capturing the moment went viral as he patiently waited for the polling station to open, dressed in white attire, and proudly displaying his inked finger after casting his vote, setting a commendable example for his fans.
Joining Ajith in the electoral process, another stalwart of Tamil cinema, Rajinikanth, also cast his vote during the first phase of the Lok Sabha Elections. With Tamil Nadu being among the first states to go to polls, the political landscape is charged with the involvement of key players like the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK), the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), and the All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK), whose results will unfold on June 4. Alongside Ajith and Rajinikanth, actor Sivakarthikeyan and his spouse, Aarthi, were also seen participating in the democratic process by casting their votes, emphasizing the importance of civic duty.
The electoral fervor extended beyond the celebrities mentioned, as even Dhanush, another prominent figure in the Tamil film industry, was spotted at the polling booth. Their visible involvement serves as a reminder of the significance of every individual’s contribution to the democratic process, urging citizens to actively engage in shaping the future of the nation through their votes.
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