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Simple ways to resolve misunderstandings in relationship

Unresolved misunderstandings create bigger conflicts between a couple. But there are several simple ways to resolve them.

Healthy communication:  Healthy and open communication is one of the basis of a healthy relationship. If during a conversation, you didn’t like what your partner said, then stop them right there and ask them what they exactly meant. Don’t jump to a conclusion right away.

Make them understand your point:  In a conversation, if you have said anything wrong, then rephrase the statement and make the other person understand what you actually meant.

Also Read: To have better sex life do this 

Avoid texting during a fight:  Do not send a text message to your partner if both of you are facing a conflict or fight. It is better to have a face-to-face conversation and find a solution. Texting doesn’t let the other person know your tone, in turn leading to increased misunderstanding. Texting harms the relationship.

Agree to disagree:  If you think you are right and your partner thinks they are right, then instead of arguing find a middle path. It is not important to convince your partner every time; sometimes you have to agree to disagree.

Focus on the positive points:  Always focus on positive aspects of your relationship and your partner. Every relationship has some positive aspects to look through. If you concentrate on the positive part of the relationship, then you will resolve the conflict and won’t carry it forward.


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