Mumbai: eBikeGo has launched its latest electric scooter, the Muvi 125 5G in India. The new electric scooter was unveiled by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar at the Art of Living International Center in Bengaluru.
‘ The Muvi 125 5G is a testament to our dedication to innovation and understanding the unique needs of Indian consumers. Unveiling this scooter by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, underscores our mission to promote eco-friendly transportation and contribute to a cleaner, greener future for our cities,’ said Dr. Irfan Khan, Founder & CEO of eBikeGo.
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The Muvi 125 5G is built to handle all Indian terrains and is powered by a 5 kWh battery. The scooter can travel over 100 km on a single charge. The Muvi 125 5G features fast-charging technology, allowing it to charge from 0 to 80 percent in under 3 hours. It also has a smart LED digital display dashboard with mobile app connectivity for a connected riding experience.