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Health & FitnessLife Style

Simple ways to detox your brain

The detox routines are now overwhelmingly popular though the modern research has nothing in particular to say about these health traditions. In the South-Indian state of Kerala, traditionally the last month of Saka calendar-Karkkidakom is specially allotted for detoxing the body and mind known popularly as Karkkidaka chikitsa.

As per modern medicine the body already has processes in place to get rid of toxins and keep things running smoothly. When it comes to your brain and mind, there’s actually an entire system dedicated to detoxification and it is known as the “Glymphatic system”.However there are things we can do and eat to support the Glymphatic system.

The Glymphatic system is the brains trash collector and are channels of Cerebro-Spinal fluid flushing through the nervous system cleaning it.This happens when we are asleep, when the brain volume increases-which allows more room for your brain to take out the trash.

This process is somewhat complicated, but here’s a quick look at how it works:

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First, the channels of the glymphatic system fill with cerebrospinal fluid.This fluid collects “garbage” like proteins, toxins, and other waste products as it flows along the network.

Your brain then flushes this waste at different drainage sites, where it moves through your body and exits just like any other type of waste.One important toxin removed from the brain when eliminating waste products is the protein -amyloid (beta-amyloid), which experts believe plays a part in the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

So here are the things that we can do to maintain a good healthy Gymphatic system

1) Maintain regular bed time: For most of us it is natural to break our sleep schedule over the weeken holiday.This might feel natural to you, but over time, it can do a number on your sleep-wake cycle.

Going to bed (and waking up) at approximately the same time every day can help you get better rest and improve your overall sleep quality.You can still stay up a little later than usual and sleep in when you don’t need to get up early — just try to avoid varying your sleep schedule by more than an hour. Part of consistent sleep involves getting the right amount of sleep, which can range from 7 to 9 hours.

2)Maintain a healthy diet: Eating certain foods, especially later in the day, may disrupt your sleep. Blueberries,Strawberries,Gooseberries are a good brain foods you can include in diet

For better sleep, try to avoid the following just before bedtime:large meals,Heavy and rich foods,Spicy acidic foods,Caffeine including chocolates,alcohol,

If you feel hungry before bedtime, try a better bedtime snack, such as a banana,a medium sized bowl of oat meal,Cheese,fruits with yogurt and crackers.

3) Create relaxing environment before sleep for a quality sleep.write a diary of the days events,do some coloring reading and fume the room with lavender essential oil.Pay attention to your breath before going to bed.

4)Exercise regularly: The reasearch have found out that the focus and refreshed feeling that we get post work-out is due to an activated Glymphatic system.The many benefits of exercise spreads just beyond good posture and muscularity.It helps lower your risk for many health conditions

reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression,decrease stress,increase energy and helps improve your mood and cognitive functions.

Try squeezing in a 15-minute walk to your routine after lunch or dinner. Maintaining a healthy life-style and diet will make us the sharpest and strongest of ourselves.




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