A fluid-filled sac that forms in an ovary is called an ovarian cyst. It is seen in the reproductive age group of 15 to 44. The majority of ovarian cysts spontaneously disappear within a few months and don’t require medical intervention.
Ovarian cysts can be benign or malignant. Benign types include follicular cysts, caused by an unfertilised follicle filling with fluid; hemorrhagic cysts, which result from bleeding into a cyst and are often associated with follicular or corpus luteal cysts; and corpus luteal cysts, developing after egg release when the follicle sac retains fluid. Endometriotic cysts, known as chocolate cysts, stem from endometriosis outside the uterus. Dermoid cysts contain hair, skin, or teeth due to their embryonic origins. Malignant cysts are ovarian tumors requiring medical evaluation.
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Warning Signs of Ovarian Cysts:
Pelvic pain and discomfort: Pelvic pain or discomfort may result from the enlargement or rupture or torsion of these cysts. The pain can range in intensity and be either subtle or acute depending on the size of the cyst and how it affects the surrounding tissues.
Nausea or vomiting: This is typically seen when the ovarian cysts undergo torsion, usually seen in dermoid cysts.
Changes in bowel or urinary habits: Sometimes alterations in bowel or urine habits can be used as early warning signs of ovarian cysts. Changes in stool consistency or increased frequency of bowel movements are among the symptoms that women with ovarian cysts may experience. Ovarian cysts may also be accompanied by urinary symptoms such increased urgency, discomfort during urination, or changes in urine patterns.
Painful menstruation: An important warning indicator of ovarian cysts is severe pain during the menstrual cycle. This pain, which is frequently characterized as severe cramping or sharp discomfort, might spread to the thighs or lower back and can happen before, during, or after menstruation.
Irregular menstruation: Irregular menstruation is a warning sign of ovarian cysts. The ovarian cyst leads to a hormonal imbalance that disrupts the menstrual cycle. Sometimes the menstruation is oddly heavy or the cycle is irregular.
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