Condoms are used a lot to avoid sexually transmitted diseases and as a contraceptive. With the help of condom, you are able to enjoy sex without worry. The best thing is that condoms are available in the market at cheap prices and condoms are provided free from the government. Condoms have many benefits and are also very easy to use. This is the reason why most couples buy a lot of condoms in their house. But perhaps you are not aware of the fact that condoms can also expire.
Due to bad or expired condom use, you may face many problems. So in this article, we will tell you whether the expiry condom is effective or not and how safe is it to use an expired condom. Also, we will also know how to detect expired condoms.
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The effectiveness of expired or old condoms decreases to a great extent. Condoms are usually dry and weak, so there is a fear of breaking them during sexual intercourse. Use of expired condoms increases the risk of sexually transmitted infections between you and your partner. Also, there is a risk of pregnancy with the use of such condoms. If the condom (which has not expired) is used properly, it is up to 98% effective. If a lot of time has passed before the condom expires, then its effectiveness will be negligible. Usually a condom is aged 3 to 5 years. By the way, the age of condom also depends on its brand (manufacturing company). Also, how the condom is kept, it also matters for it to expire.
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