Having a stable, healthy and happy partner relationship is not easy, and sexuality is also part of this challenge. The same routine, the monotony and the lack of novelty in sexual acts may diminishes sexual desire.
Cuddling next to devices
If you both cuddle up with the smartphone or laptops next to you then it is not going to happen. Your emotions should not be divided when you are together and all sex therapists advise this.
Eating too late
When you have late dinners, overeat and have midnight snacks, they make you tired and full and in the end, you just want to sleep. When you eat lighter there is a good chance that you are going to have more energy and have sex in the evening later.
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Overload on alcohol
Alcohol is another big reason why the sex drive goes down the hill. Alcohol is a depressant. A small amount turns you on but too much can kill it all and make it very difficult to have an orgasm.
Letting the pet sleep in bed
Pets are like kids and they can feel the stress between their parents. Sex is a great tension reliever which is why you must keep the pet away when you both want to do it or have the time to.
Smoking is bad not just for your lungs but for your sex life as well. As per research, nicotine is linked to decreased sexual arousal response in men and women. In case you or your partner need one more reason to quit, improving your sex life seems like pretty good motivation!
Erotic books
Books can take you anywhere but real life is now and here. Also, every person is different and so is every scenario. Even your character is not the same so having such unreal expectations is the same as comparing porn with your real life.
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