The government has launched the SHe-Box portal, a centralized online platform to address and monitor workplace sexual harassment complaints. Developed by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, the portal provides a streamlined system for complaint registration, real-time tracking, and information management related to Internal Committees (ICs) and Local Committees (LCs) in both government and private workplaces. Since its launch on October 19, the portal has onboarded a significant number of central ministries and departments and received nine complaints so far, as per Union Minister of State Savitri Thakur. The system ensures confidentiality by masking complainant details while enabling the filing of grievances directly by aggrieved women or others on their behalf.
The SHe-Box portal requires workplaces to appoint nodal officers responsible for updating data and facilitating real-time monitoring of complaints. Once a complaint is filed, it is directed to the relevant IC or LC if the workplace is registered on the portal. If not, the platform assists in collecting workplace details and notifies state and district nodal officers to expedite the registration of ICs. The system includes a monitoring dashboard for officials at various administrative levels, allowing them to track filed, resolved, and pending cases. It also generates detailed reports for ministries, departments, and private sector authorities, ensuring timely resolution of cases.
Complying with the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013, the portal mandates inquiries into complaints be completed within 90 days. It provides complainants with a transparent mechanism to track their grievances while maintaining the confidentiality of sensitive information. The SHe-Box initiative underscores the government’s commitment to creating safer work environments and ensuring effective redressal of workplace harassment cases nationwide.
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