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Know sexual benefits of drumstick

Drumstick has several health benefits. One of the powerful health benefits of Drumstick is that it is a potent herb for increasing sexual vigor. The aphrodisiac properties in Drumstick help in improving libido and are beneficial in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. It also improves testosterone levels and sperm count in men.

It is considered to be a potent aphrodisiac. Drumsticks are usually given to men suffering from low libido, erectile dysfunction and a general disinterest in sex.

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The plant’s flowers serve as a perfect tonic for the reproductive system and helps beat a number of related ailments like oligospermia (less sperms), infertility, and erectile dysfunction. That is why the tree is called the ‘Indian Viagra’.

Now a research study has also approved this. As per a study published in the American Journal of Neuroscience, drumsticks, when administered worked as an effective aphrodisiac and increased testosterone levels, leading to greater sexual virility and higher libido.

As per researchers, the use of Moringa oleifera leaf extract may provide a cheap and simple approach for improving sexual function. It appears to be a potential aphrodisiac, particularly for people with stressful daily lifestyles.


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