A research study revealed that women having more sex will have a more developed brain. A study published in the Journal of Neuroscience has revealed this.
As per the study, women have sex on the brain just as much as — if not more than — men. They found the region of brain region linked to genital touch in women and discovered that the region is better developed in those women who have regular sex.The study was conducted among 20 females. The researchers stimulated their clitorises using a , a small round object, while their brains were scanned using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The device was vibrated eight times, for 10 seconds each time, interspersed with 10 seconds of rest. Researchers also asked the female volunteers how frequently they had had sex over the past year. The results of the imaging confirmed that the somatosensory cortex region of the brain was activated in each woman when the device vibrated.
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Earlier in 2016, researchers at the McGill University in Canada found young women who engage in regular sex have an easier time remembering things than their less sexually active counterparts.
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