Inspired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s push for artificial intelligence (AI) adoption, a former sarpanch of Bibipur village in Haryana, Jaglan, has launched the ‘AI-friendly Panchayat’ campaign to enhance governance, transparency, and accountability in rural areas. The initiative aims to educate gram panchayats on leveraging AI technology to streamline development plans and secure funding. According to Jaglan, AI can address challenges like incomplete or poorly detailed proposals that often prevent panchayats from receiving proper government funds. Additionally, it can help panchayats effectively apply for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) funding, which many fail to secure due to difficulties in submitting online proposals.
As part of the campaign, Jaglan has been conducting workshops and training sessions to familiarize panchayat members with AI tools. Over the past three months, he has trained representatives from 120 panchayats across multiple states, including 27 from Haryana, on how to use AI for governance tasks like drafting emails and submitting online requests. He highlighted that many panchayat members lack basic digital skills, such as sending emails, and emphasized that AI-powered governance could revolutionize rural administration by making it more efficient and transparent.
Jaglan also underscored the potential of AI in branding gram panchayats on social media, an area largely untapped due to limited awareness. He believes AI tools can transform how panchayats engage with their communities and external stakeholders, improving the quality of life for rural citizens. The Union Ministry of Panchayati Raj has already started incorporating AI through its eGramSwaraj portal, available in 22 Indian languages, aligning with the broader vision of digital empowerment in rural India.
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