The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) successfully launched the SpaDeX Mission on Monday at 10 PM from Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh. Originally scheduled for 9:58 PM, the mission marks a major milestone in India’s space program, positioning the country alongside space powers like China, Russia, and the US in orbital docking technology. SpaDeX, carried aboard the PSLV-C60 rocket, aims to demonstrate cost-effective in-space docking capabilities. The mission’s two spacecraft, SDX01 and SDX02, were placed 5 km apart in orbit and will be maneuvered closer to dock at an altitude of 470 km above Earth within 10-14 days. This breakthrough paves the way for future space exploration, including human missions, lunar sample returns, and the development of the Bharatiya Antariksh Station.
The primary payload, SpaDeX, includes two spacecraft equipped with advanced instruments. Spacecraft A carries a High-Resolution Camera, while Spacecraft B hosts a Miniature Multispectral Payload and a Radiation Monitor Payload, enabling high-resolution imaging, vegetation studies, and natural resource monitoring. In addition to SpaDeX, the PSLV-C60 carried 24 secondary payloads, including 14 developed by ISRO and 10 from industry and academia. These payloads, deployed via the PSLV Orbital Experimental Module-4 (POEM-4), are expected to function for 3-4 months, supporting research in various domains. This launch also demonstrated advancements in the PSLV Integration Facility, as the PSLV-C60 is the first rocket to be fully integrated at the new facility.
This mission, ISRO’s final launch of 2024, underscores India’s growing capabilities in space technology and exploration. The in-space docking technology demonstrated by SpaDeX is critical for ambitious future projects, such as Chandrayaan-4, Gaganyaan, and India’s plans to build its own space station. Moreover, this technology will facilitate complex missions involving multiple rocket launches and shared objectives. ISRO’s continued focus on cost-effective and innovative solutions reinforces India’s position as a leading spacefaring nation.
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