Keeping a marriage successful needs a lot of effort. Here is some expert advice to avoid or correct six common mistakes that can cost a marriage, or at the least, weaken its foundations.
1. Being Too Quick to Please
Some wives are too willing to give up on what they want. Experts call it “appendage-itis,” in which the wife is basically being an accessory to the husband, instead of being a full and equal partner in the marriage.
Some women tend to be “all about him” rather than all about themselves, as men tend to be. The sense of helplessness leads to anger that eventually boils over. So experts advice women to express their concerns rationally, whether about housework or parenting duties, or about not getting enough time with your husband or for yourself.
2. Not Being Clear About Expectations
Couples that function the best in marriage have made their expectations clear from the outset about division of labor, parenthood, and money.
But many couples don’t have those discussions and are operating on auto-pilot. Resentment can easily build if expectations differ or are dashed on the rocks of hard reality.
3. Underestimating the Effect of Tone of Voice
No matter who’s speaking, man or woman, tone of voice can be an issue if it’s tinged only slightly with negativity. If you have concerns, verbalize them in a respectful way,” rather than speaking in a frustrated, irritated voice.
4. Mismatched Communication Styles
If you feel you aren’t being heard by your husband, you may want to explore the ways you try to get through to him.
Some women repeat their complaint or a concern a few times in an effort to get their husband’s attention. Some men may call that nagging. If that happens in your relationship a lot, remember to pause to let your spouse absorb what you’re saying and have “a chance to validate what they’ve heard.
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5. Not Making Sex a Priority
Many women don’t make enough time for sex. That’s a serious mistake. A healthy sex life keeps the family a happy family. Women need to build in time — and by extension, desire — to make love with their husbands. Feeling sexy is a good way to start, and that means a woman must make herself a priority.
6. Forgetting to Cherish Their Partner
Some women get so focused on kids, work, and home that they forget to make the small gestures that go a long way to solidifying their marriage. Listening, agreement, appreciation, affection — those all send out positive energy that envelop both people in sunshine.”
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