In the 2023-24 period, Delhi’s per capita income stood at Rs 4,61,910, making it the third highest in India, following Goa and Sikkim. The city’s per capita income is more than double the national average of Rs 1,84,205. According to the Delhi government’s annual statistical handbook, this figure reflects a 7.4% year-on-year increase in Delhi’s per capita income.
The handbook also highlights a significant drop in the number of vehicles on Delhi’s roads, from 1.22 crore in 2020-21 to 79.45 lakh in 2022-23. Education-wise, the number of schools in Delhi declined slightly, from 5,666 in 2020-21 to 5,497 in 2023-24, though student enrollment showed a modest increase, with the number of boys and girls enrolled rising from 44.79 lakh in 2020-21 to 45.06 lakh in 2023-24.
Additionally, the number of metered water connections in Delhi grew from 25.4 lakh in 2021-22 to 27.2 lakh in 2023-24, and daily water consumption increased from 6,894 lakh kilolitres to 7,997 lakh kilolitres. In the entertainment sector, the number of cinema screens rose to 147 in 2023, up from 137 in 2022, with the average number of daily shows increasing from 623 to 740 and a daily viewership of around 10,000.
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