Prowling is the practice of seeking out potential romantic interests from someone and ghosting them without their knowledge or consent. It is toxic dating trend. The person does not intend to apologize for their behaviour but wishes to return. This brings back past memories and also messes up a lover’s will to make a decision of accepting them.
Prowling is a form of predatory behaviour.t often involves someone watching and observing their target from a distance, attempting to build up a temporary relationship with the target for a few days and then suddenly going off contact for several days.
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This can include taking note of interests, photos posted online, and locations they frequent.
Prowling is difficult to detect or prove. It takes place in secret and with no knowledge or consent from the target. It can be hard to know if someone is ‘prowling’ you, and you may not even be aware it’s happening until it’s too late.
Here are some simple measures you can take:
Be mindful of what you post online: Try to keep personal information off of social media, such as your address, phone number, and photos of yourself alone or in vulnerable situations.
Pay attention to your surroundings: If you notice someone who seems to be showing up in the same places as you, take precautions like changing your route or asking a friend to accompany you.
Block or delete any suspicious accounts on social media: If someone seems like they’re trying to gather information about you without your knowledge, block them immediately.
Trust your instincts: If something doesn’t feel right, don’t hesitate to remove yourself from the situation and tell someone you trust.
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