Erotic hypnosis is the use of hypnosis to elicit a particular sexual goal in some shape or form. It is also called hypno-sex. It involves one person guiding another person into a trance-like state using just their voice and then suggesting certain attitudes, behaviors, or actions.
‘Erotic hypnosis has a way of enhancing the things that the subject already enjoys. It can draw things out that would otherwise stay hidden, allow the hypnotee to be more sensitive, and lower inhibition if that’s what they want.It’s a way of playing with sexuality in a way that is a little indirect,’ says certified hypnotist Katherine Dire.
It can be used for many things, such as:
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to enhance connection during lovemaking
as a tool during a BDSM scene
to intensify orgasms
to help someone overcome sexual shame, trauma, or dysfunction
As per experts, it is possible to have an orgasm during erotic hypnosis. It is also called hypnosis orgasm. The hypno-orgasm is all in the mind. It make you realize that the largest sex organ is actually your brain. Erotic hypnosis lets you exchange your physical expectations for inner sensations.
Erotic hypnosis or hypno-sex is a form of hypnosis that increases sexual desire and sexual responses. This means that if you have trouble connecting with your partner during sex, reaching orgasm or allowing yourself to reach orgasm during sex, or staying in the moment, erotic hypnosis could actually help you.
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