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Know what is  solo polyamory

Solo polyamory means that someone has multiple intimate relationships with people but has an independent or single lifestyle. They may not live with partners, share finances, or have a desire to reach traditional relationship milestones like marriage or cohabitation. A solo polyamorist is someone who maintains multiple intimate relationships while prioritising an independent lifestyle.

This choice can be temporary or permanent, but at its core, it’s about valuing autonomy and individuality in relationships. Solo polyamory allows people to define love and commitment on their own terms. It’s about balancing connection with personal freedom.

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An OECD study revealed a 20 percent decline in marriage rates across 32 countries in 2020, reflecting a global shift in relationship dynamics. A 2023 Bumble survey found that 60 percent of Indian singles see ethical non-monogamy, including open relationships and polygamy, as the future of dating.

According to Dr. Zhana Vrangalova, a New York-based sex researcher and consultant, personality tests can provide insights into the relationship style that best fits you. Speaking to the BBC, she noted that solo polyamory might be a good fit for those who value independence while maintaining meaningful connections.




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