Post its embarrassing result in the Loksabha elections, the left has only managed to make its position worse in Kerala. Multiple issues have popped up one after the other- be it Binoy Kodyeri’s sexual abuse case, the expat’s suicide or the Raju Narayana Swamy issue, the left party is facing trouble like never before. Some of the Malayalam channels took the topic for their prime time discussion and Asianet was one among them.
During the discussion, Mohan Varghese, a political analyst said that one of the better points about the communist party is that if there is a controversy popping up, they are able to conduct an investigation about this with a commission and take a stand against it.
Vinu, who was leading the debate was quick to respond.
“What is the use of these commissions?. Where are the reports on T. P Chandrasekharan murder? How pretentious was the report on the issue of P.K Sasi’s sexual abuse? The plaintiff had to resign from the organization. How many such experiences we have” asked Vinu.
“Now this(Binoy Kodiyeri issue) happened in Maharashtra. Had it been in Kerala, a ‘pregnancy commission’ would have already been constituted by the party. I can’t say for sure if A.K Balan and P.K Sreemathy would head it, but definitely there would have been a commission like that” he added.
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