Yoga is becoming more popular these not only because it’s a fantastic meditation practice but also suits for all age. Yoga is not some mere exercise to tune your body but a style of living. Many are confused in between the facts and myths about yoga among all those heavy flow of information you get.
Other than some cautious posters, there is nothing bad about yoga, and it’s true.
Here are some real-time facts about yoga- The pro’s and con’s of yoga
The Advantages
1. Yoga increases strength and flexibility of the body.
Yoga awakens many areas of your body. It can help a rigid body become flexible.
The more you use Yoga, the stronger and more flexible you’ll become.
2. Yoga works on your whole body.
Yoga improves your internal functions as well, increases blood flow more freely to all organs.
3. Yoga transforms your fleshy muscles.
The stronger your muscles become with Yoga, the more they will tone your body and rid it of excess fat.
4. Yoga detoxifies the body.
With increased blood flow to all areas, it helps to eliminate toxins from your body.
5. Yoga can alleviate pain.
More and more physical therapists are recommending Yoga for at home therapy.
For example, if you’ve hurt your back, a physical therapist can recommend very specific Yoga movements to help alleviate pain and strengthen the problem area.
6. Yoga relieves stress and depression.
This is probably one of the biggest benefits of Yoga. Because of the breathing methods and stretching techniques you practice during Yoga, you can actually feel the stress leaving your body.
7. Yoga harmonises your body and mind.
With your mind aware of what your body is doing, you can reap the rewards of a whole body and mind workout.
Yoga classes often have relaxing music and dim lighting so your whole body and mind can relax and focus on the movements.
8. Yoga stabilises emotions.
You’ll find yourself in an almost meditative state that helps your endocrine system and emotional makeup. No other exercise routine does this as well as Yoga.
9. Yoga works well on arthritic areas.
If you suffer from arthritis, Yoga can help stretch your muscles so they can move more freely.
Pros and Cons of Yoga – The Disadvantages
As mentioned above, the disadvantages of Yoga are few; however, there are some important points to note:
1. Use caution with Yoga headstands.
Some optometrists have warned that Yoga headstands could lead to glaucoma, but there haven’t been enough studies on this to draw a firm conclusion.
2. Be wary of Dahn Yoga.
Dahn Yoga is a Korean Yoga idea, which may be nothing more than a sales pitch to get your money by putting the word “Yoga” in there. It seems to include a lot of counting and chanting with no focus on breathing.
3. Use caution with Bikram Yoga.
Bikram Yoga, also known as “Hot Yoga”, is performed in a hot room. Some doctors say this isn’t good for your body, while others say it is. You can avoid this controversy by simply sticking with the basics.
Summary of the yoga pros and cons
In summary, practising yoga with a trained instructor can benefit your mind, body, and inner self. With yoga, you’ll be able to relieve stress, strengthen your muscles, and promote your health and well-being.
Yoga is something you can try and will never regret
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