Deepika Padukone is a versatile actress who takes up challenging and different roles including mainstream as well as off the beaten track.
She is an epitome of strength and fitness. One thing that has been constant in all her films is her svelte figure. She looks absolutely fit and gorgeous ! If you are wondering how the actress manages to be in shape despite her busy schedule, you will be surprised to know she doesn’t do anything extraordinary.
Deepika Padukone has an athletic body type. Her typical workout routine is a fine mix of cardio and weight training. She added yoga to her daily fitness regimen in 2008. Deepika does a combination of push-ups and running for her strength training and combines it with yoga for relaxation.
Deepika’s yoga routine:
The first stage consists of Surya Namaskar.
Surya Namaskar: Deepika Padukone starts with 10 slow cycles of Surya Namaskar. These sun salutations benefit the body, mind and soul. This beautiful set of yoga postures if done regularly can work wonders for every part of the body from head to toe. This yoga sequence helps with circulation of blood ensuring a disease-free body.
Her second stage of yoga comprises asanas helpful for correct posture and spine.
Marjariasana (Cat stretch): The cat stretch brings flexibility to the spine. It also strengthens the shoulders and the wrists. It works on the ab muscles and helps in achieving a toned abdomen. This asana is enormously beneficial in preventing back pain and maintaining a healthy spine.
Sharvangasana (Shoulder stand): This asana stimulates the thyroid and parathyroid glands and normalises their functions. It also helps in relieving constipation and indigestion. The shoulder stand nourishes the brain with more blood. This asana eliminates all lethargy. The whole body feels light, refreshed and energized after this practice.
Virabhadrasana (Warrior pose): The warrior pose is one of the most graceful yoga postures. It strengthens the arms, shoulders, thighs and back muscles all at one go. It improves the balance in the body and helps increase stamina. This asana is extremely beneficial to release stress very easily in a short span of time.
Deep breathing: Deep breathing is also a good idea to maintain a steady rhythm of the breath and calm the mind.
Deepika has always had good skin and body, however yoga has enhanced her glow, intensified her stamina, and composed her mind.
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