There is mounting evidence that nuts and seeds are extremely good for your health. Many studies have proven that they are great sources of vitamins and minerals.
They also contain protein, good fats, and fibre that your body requires. They are also effective at fighting off cancer, which is why adding them to your diet is highly recommended.
Best Nuts to Eat
Here are the top choices for the healthiest nuts:
Almonds: This is the healthiest nut. Almonds have calcium, magnesium, selenium, and vitamin E. They also contain high amounts of fibre and can prevent high cholesterol and cancer.
Walnuts: While some say almonds are the healthiest, there are also some who believe that walnuts are healthier. Walnuts are helpful to the health of your brain and heart. The ellagic acid which the walnuts contain can ward off cancer.
Pecans: Vitamin E, vitamin A, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, and folate are some of the nutrients you get from this healthy nut.
Brazil Nuts: You can get protein, niacin, fibre, copper, and vitamin E from Brazil nuts. They also contain high amounts of selenium.
Cashews: Although cashews are not recommended for people with cancer, they are still considered as healthy nuts. They have copper, magnesium, biotin, and iron. Unlike other nuts, this is not high in fat and has high levels of oleic acid, just like the healthy olive oil.
Best Seeds to Eat
Here are the healthiest seeds you can find:
Flaxseeds: Add flaxseeds to your diet, particularly in your oatmeal or smoothies to gain benefits, such as fibre and lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.
Chia Seeds: These are also very healthy seeds that can give you omega 3 oils, antioxidants, calcium, fibre, and protein. You can also use them in your smoothies to get that crunch.
Hemp Seeds: When it comes to beating cancer and heart disease, hemp seeds are among those that you can turn to. They have high amounts of fibre and protein, along with omega 3 and 6.
Sunflower Seeds: These seeds come with phytochemicals, so they are extremely effective in beating cancer. They are also helpful in the prevention of heart disease. Sunflower seeds have vitamin E, copper, and selenium.
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