Dates Pickle
- Dates ( unripe)– ½ kg
- ChillyPowder – 6TBSP
- Asafetida – 1 TBSP
- Fenugreek powder– 3 TBSP
- Turmeric powder– 2 TSP
- Salt– to taste
- Curry leaves– 5 stem
- Gingelly oil– 1 cup
- Vinegar – ½ cup
- Garlic– 1 full pod
- Mustard Seed– 2 TSP
- Fenugreek– 1 TSP
Clean the dates properly and steam them. Fry the asafetida and grind into powder and keep aside. In a deep pan add the gingelly /sesame oil and crack mustard and fenugreek seeds with curry leaves. Add cleaned garlic and sauté. Reduce the heat to the minimum and add all the powder ingredients’, red chili, turmeric, mustard powder, salt and mix them properly. Add the steamed dates and mix. Off the heat and add asafetida powder that’s prepared first. Taste the salt and asafetida add more if required. Boil the vinegar and same amount of water together and add to the pickle and mix well. Add to a glass jar and close properly and keep for a week to two. Take small portions to keep on the table in small glass bottles.
A Tip:- Kannimmanga/ or small mango pickle is famous in Kerala.The same method and recipe should be used to make dates pickle too. Kannimanga or small mangoes are usually put in a big glass jar in salted water and curry leaves for a month or two and they added to the masala to make mango pickle. Dates can be steamed too to make pickle. Unripe dates are an excellent source of energy. Enjoy the dates pickle.
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