Dr. Mahinder Watsa informally schooled an entire generation on sex education when their own schools and curriculum failed them.
As someone who grew up in his early svhool stage he must have asked himself questions about reproduction, sex, and so on. Some ‘dude’ was answering queries related to reproductive organs, sexual intercourse, and its aftermath. While teenagers of that found it liberating to read problems NO ONE was discussing in public, it dawned on us much later how that one column was the beginning of our sex education.
Dr. Mahinder Watsa looks like a calm, patient man having lived for longer than the average lifetime. Nothing surprises him anymore, he’s seen the most hilarious questions and the most bizarre fetishes.
Dr. Watsa, apart from being one of the country’s premier sexologists with a distinguished career of more than 40 years, is also a confidante for his clients. In a ruthlessly judgmental society like ours, Dr Watsa listens to his clients and offers solutions using his expertise in either medical sciences, or poker-faced sarcasm. He speaks to his clients and quietly slips in lessons about consent, fighting patriarchy, demystifying the concept of ‘masculinity’ as championed by Bollywood mards.
He understands the role he plays for his clients, where they have no one to discuss such intimate problems with. Which is why rarely has a client gone back from his doorstep without Dr Watsa granting them a sit-down.
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