As the name suggests ‘Balasana’ resembles the foetal position of a child inside a mother’s womb. This asana is usually done as a pre-exercise before or after Sirsana.
The focus is on the thighs and doing this Asana helps one to overcome the back pain, especially to those who are in white collar jobs. The name of this Asana is derived from the Sanskrit words, ‘bala’ which means child and ‘asana’ which means pose.
Though preferably done in the morning time, as it is a resting pose you can do it in between your works for relaxation. Like in any other Asanas your stomach, bowel and bladder should be kept clean and empty before starting to practice. If done after having food, make sure 4-6 hours gap is maintained between the meals and Yoga practice.
In case of any difficulties that you may face while placing your head on the floor, you can use a pillow to rest your head. Those who are suffering from diarrhoea or knee injuries should refrain from doing this Asana and also patients with high blood pressure.
Steps to do Balasana
1.Sit on your knees, bring your chest closer to your thighs.
2. Now reach your arms in front of you, still resting the chest on your thighs.
3. Inhale and bring your forehead to touch the ground.
4. Concentrate on your breathing. Take in and give out the breath through your nose.
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